Бесплатный курс "Управляй вероятностями"

How to enter/change an initial deposit

To enter an initial deposit you must:

1) Go to the page “Working with the deposit”

2) Click on the tab “Change deposit”

3) In the text entry field under the table, enter the date and amount of the deposit. To reflect a withdrawal, you can change the deposit using a negative sign.


On the same tab, there is a table with the following columns:

“Added” – funds you have placed

“Changes” – the amount of changes to placed funds by date

“Deposit” – the current deposit reflecting any income

“P/L (Net” – your trading results per day; the amount by which your deposit changes as a result of your trading activity

Daily profitability, %” – the change over the previous day as a percentage

Total profit, %” – the total yield for the entire period as a percentage over the supplied funds, which takes changes to the deposit into account



To delete a deposit value you must:

Select the specific line and click “Remove”