Combining trades is necessary if you think that several trades are essentially one single trade.
This may happen when transactions from the report were not included under the conditions in the configuration for setting up trades and have been split into several trades.
To combine trades, you must tick the boxes for the trades that you want to combine and then click “Combine selected”.
The following will now happen:
- The entry and exit price will be averaged in proportion to the amount,
- The date and time of the beginning of the trade will be set from the date and time that the first trade began,
- The ending date and time will be set from the date and time of the last trade,
- The amount of all trades will be added up,
- The results of all trades will be added up,
- The commission of all trades will be added up.
Combining trades comes with important limitations:
- The trades must have the same instrument and direction.
- The trades cannot have additional attributes set. Therefore, you must combine trades immediately after loading them, before you assign additional attributes.