Бесплатный курс "Управляй вероятностями"

Data representation settings – How to add/delete columns in the trade table – How to add user columns

The data representation settings affect the way data in the table of trades is displayed and the number of available statistical correlations (charts, tables).  It allows you to select the number of decimal places or to add or remove columns in the table of trades. To open the data representation settings, click the corresponding button in the accounts control panel:


Adding/deleting columns in the table of trades

Some columns in the table of trades ( such as the strategy) can be removed/added if necessary. To do so, just mark the columns that you want to see.

Setting the available methods of entry/exit and strategy

To set the available methods of entry, exit and your strategy, enter the necessary values into the corresponding fields, each on a new line. After saving the settings, these options will be available in the trades editor

Adding your own columns to the table of trades

For one account, you can add two text columns ( such as entry/exit methods) and one numerical column. To add a text column:

1) Set a tick to make the column is visible, enter the column name (by default they will be labeled “Analytics 1” and “Analytics 2”)

2) Enter the values for this column, each on a new line.

After saving, a new column will appear in the table of trades and an option for selecting values for this column will appear in the trades editor.

To add a numerical column:

1) Mark the column “Analytics 3” and change its name to the desired name.

After saving, a new column will appear in the table of trades, and in the trades editor there will be a field where you can enter a floating-point number (maximum 2 digits after the decimal point).

Setting the entry time ranges

Enter the desired ranges into the numbered fields