The summary table shows the total results, grouped by day.
Each line reflects the:
Date – the day of trading; a trade falls on the date of its closing, i.e. on the date that the trade ends
Quantity of positions – the amount of shares for the day
Volume – the volume traded*
P/L – the net result taking commission into account
Avg P/L – the average result for the trade
Commission – the total commission per day
Gross –the result without commission, cumulative results day by day
Net –the result taking commission into account, cumulative results day by day
Open – the total result for the entire period at the beginning of the day
Hi – this shows that the total result would be if trading for that day ended on a trade which, considered jointly with the others, gave the best result for that particular day (calculated only from closed trades)
Low – this shows what the total result would be, if trading for that day ended on a trade which, considered jointly with the rest, gave the worst result for that particular day (calculated only from closed trades)
Close – the total result for the entire period at the end of the day
Open, Hi, Low, Close – used for the OHLCV diagram which shows your trading results in the form of a stock exchange chart.
* The volume is worth analyzing in the context of the NYSE, as well as all equal-sized lots, or when applying a filter to a specific instrument. In other cases, this indicator is not useful.